Sign up & Registration Help

We're happy to help!

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In order to sign up for your free class, you need to either 1) sign in to your existing Mind Body account or 2) create an account. Click My Account to start! Follow the Mind Body instructions from there. 

Once your bellaTec account has been registered, you can close out of the pop-up (On desktop) or switch tabs (on Mobile) and select your class or membership options! 

If it's your first class, you can select the "First Class Free Option" and it will add it to your cart! 

Show up & enjoy. Free classes are only redeemable once! So, don't miss out! 

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Then, if you haven't already registered with bellaTec when you return to the bellaTec schedule page, sign in to your account, you will be prompted to input your details and register! 

Please let us know if you have any further questions! Best, 
bellaTec team <3